No Ads!! No information is accessed in your device as many others apps do! - e.g., location, contacts.)
Silence Scheduler enables you to schedule when your cell phone is going to enter and quit from silent/vibrate mode.
It is suitable for situations when you do not want to be disturbed, for example, meetings, school, gym, library, etc.
This is a FREE version. You can create one schedule at a time.
Please, do not rate the app based on the number of schedules you can do. If you want to create unlimited schedules, please, download the full version.
Important Silence Scheduler features:
- SAVE BATTERY: Silence Scheduler does not run as a service in background (check running services by yourself). This feature SAVES the BATTERY of your cell phone.
- INTERFACE EASY TO USE: the interface is similar to the Android Alarm. So you can easily create and manage your schedules.
- TUTORIAL: a brief tutorial is provided in the help section. Instead of the other applications, you do not need to guess how to use Silence Scheduler.
- MULTI-LANGUAGE: Silence Schedule is available for both English and Portuguese languages. Just change the language of your cell phone and Silence Scheduler language is upgraded automatically.
Keywords: silent mode, vibrate mode, schedule profile, silence scheduler, vibrate scheduler, silence, shut up, vibrate, alert, mute, toneless.
Tidak ada Iklan! Tidak ada informasi yang diakses pada perangkat Anda seperti banyak orang lain lakukan apps! - Misalnya, lokasi, kontak).
Diam Scheduler memungkinkan Anda untuk menjadwalkan bila ponsel Anda akan masuk dan keluar dari mode diam / bergetar.
Sangat cocok untuk situasi ketika Anda tidak ingin diganggu, misalnya, pertemuan, sekolah, olahraga, perpustakaan, dll
*** PENTING ***
Ini adalah versi GRATIS. Anda dapat membuat satu jadwal pada suatu waktu.
Tolong, jangan menilai aplikasi berdasarkan jumlah jadwal yang dapat Anda lakukan. Jika Anda ingin membuat jadwal terbatas, silakan, download versi lengkap.
Diam penting Scheduler fitur:
- HEMAT BATERAI: Silence Scheduler tidak berjalan sebagai layanan di latar belakang (cek layanan yang berjalan sendiri). Fitur ini MENGHEMAT BATTERY dari ponsel Anda.
- Antarmuka yang mudah PEMAKAIAN: antarmuka yang mirip dengan alarm Android. Jadi Anda dapat dengan mudah membuat dan mengelola jadwal Anda.
- TUTORIAL: tutorial singkat disediakan di bagian bantuan. Alih-alih aplikasi lain, Anda tidak perlu menebak bagaimana menggunakan Silence Scheduler.
- MULTI-BAHASA: Jadwal Silence yang tersedia untuk kedua bahasa Inggris dan Portugis. Hanya mengubah bahasa ponsel Anda dan Silence bahasa Scheduler-upgrade otomatis.
Kata kunci: modus diam, mode getar, profil jadwal, diam scheduler, scheduler bergetar, diam, diam, bergetar, waspada, bisu, datar.
No Ads!! No information is accessed in your device as many others apps do! - e.g., location, contacts.)
Silence Scheduler enables you to schedule when your cell phone is going to enter and quit from silent/vibrate mode.
It is suitable for situations when you do not want to be disturbed, for example, meetings, school, gym, library, etc.
This is a FREE version. You can create one schedule at a time.
Please, do not rate the app based on the number of schedules you can do. If you want to create unlimited schedules, please, download the full version.
Important Silence Scheduler features:
- SAVE BATTERY: Silence Scheduler does not run as a service in background (check running services by yourself). This feature SAVES the BATTERY of your cell phone.
- INTERFACE EASY TO USE: the interface is similar to the Android Alarm. So you can easily create and manage your schedules.
- TUTORIAL: a brief tutorial is provided in the help section. Instead of the other applications, you do not need to guess how to use Silence Scheduler.
- MULTI-LANGUAGE: Silence Schedule is available for both English and Portuguese languages. Just change the language of your cell phone and Silence Scheduler language is upgraded automatically.
Keywords: silent mode, vibrate mode, schedule profile, silence scheduler, vibrate scheduler, silence, shut up, vibrate, alert, mute, toneless.